Bali, Indonesia, 2018, by Stuart Hablutzel
(Over) Thinker
Amateur Runner
Aspiring Investor
I want this site to be a place on the internet that is a better representation of me then LinkedIn or a CV.
I have built it myself as a way to further my understanding of the technology that makes up so much of the world around us. It was inspired by Derek Sivers' tech independence project. When building the site that means; no drag-and-drop design, no themes, no automatic publishing. I coded it myself and run my own private server to host the site. You can read more about the process and the evolution on This Website page. As my skills and understanding improve so will this site.You can see what I am currently doing Now.
I'm keen a runner and you can view all the Races I've done.
I have recently started keeping track of the Books I've read.
Devils Peak, Cape Town