This Website & Its Infrastructure


1. This Site

This site is in inspired by Derek Sivers’ tech independence project. It is a place for me to present my thinking, play around with web development, and showcase somethings I’ve accomplished. A massive thank you to Derek for not only putting the guide together but also very patiently replying to all my emails when I got stuck.

2. Register a Domain & Change DNS Nameservers

I stared by transferring my domain to Porkbun and changed the DNS nameservers to point the web server on Vultr.

3. Create an SSH key

For a higher level of security I generated an SSH Key with the terminal to use to access my server remotely.

4. Set Up the Server

I set up a server with the OpenBSD operating system and added secure block storage.

5. SSH into Root

I added my SSH key to the Root of my laptop so I can login in remotely to my server using the SSH key instead of a password. So it can only accessed from my computer.

6. Using the Storage

I started using the encrypted storage by syncing files to the server from my computer.

7. Simple Website

Using a simple text editor and some basic HTML and CSS I created a basic one page website.

8. A More Complicated Website

For this V2 I used Visual Code and the Bootstrap 5 framework (with lots of YouTube tutorials and a little ChatGPT) to build this (slightly) more sophisticated website. It will continue to grow and evolve as my skills do.